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We believe that financial success should not be limited to a select few. That's why we've opened access to algorithmic investment strategies for everyone. Quantca Financial is an SEC registered Investment Advisory firm. Sign up today for access to our firm's investment strategies and services.
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“We use complex mathematics to determine when to be in the market by calculating if the market is going up, down, or if it is likely to change direction. This creates the potential for uncorrelated returns in a variety of market conditions.

Our flagship model is built for both up and down markets.”

Aaron Farrell, MBA, PMP

Chief Executive Officer, Quantca Financial

“We charge no up-front fees, and the client maintains liquidity and control of moving their funds whenever they want directly through the broker. We offer a variety of models that span from complex equities growth strategies to compounding interest on stable short-term bonds.”

Reggie Farrell

Chief Technology Officer, Quantca Financial


What We Do

At Quantca Financial, we are leveling the playing field in the world of investments. That’s why we’ve developed cutting-edge, automated, and algorithm-based investment models that are accessible to everyone. Quantca Financial is a US based Investment Adviser Firm. Our innovative approach combines advanced technology with data-driven analysis to provide unique opportunities for investors of all backgrounds. 


Our Approach

We are not just offering an investment service; we’re pioneering a movement. A movement where advanced quantitative investment strategies are not just available to the hedge funds and the rich, and people can have access to diversifying their investment strategies with modern technologies. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, our user-friendly service makes investing automated and simple. Sign up today and unlock the potential of quantitative investing.


Our Mission

We believe in making wealth creation a possibility for everyone, regardless of their background. Through our services, we offer a unique approach to investing that has historically been unavailable to the general public. With our data-driven analysis and cutting-edge techniques, you can consider diversify your investment strategies in ways previously not possible.

Key Concepts

Learn About Key Concepts

Quantca Financial offers a variety of algorithm-based investment services that span from short-term equities for growth to short-term bonds for stable cash management. Want to know what is under the hood? Learn more about some of the key concepts used in our equities models below.

Read more about backtest models, including their limitations, in our firm’s brochure linked here.

Mean Reversion

Mean reversion algorithms identify outlier price points that it determines to have a high probability of changing direction and reverting to an average within a time horizon. Learn more about mean reversion in our whitepaper here.

Momentum and Regressions

Momentum is a correlation between how long an asset continues to trend in a particular direction after it has already trended in that direction for a time period. Regressions are mathematical trend identifiers that continually calculate the current direction of a trend. Lean more about momentum and regressions in our whitepaper here.


Our Algorithmic Investing Services

At the heart of our approach lies sophisticated quantitative algorithms. They process vast amounts of financial data in real-time, facilitating trades in a way that is timely and objective. By signing up, you can have your investments managed by one of our investment advisory firm’s strategies. Learn more about our investment models below.


Our flagship algorithm; Uses a proprietary mathematical model to determine when to buy or sell the S&P500 using a combination of mean reversion, momentum, and regression strategies. Pegasus is a shorter term active trading model with an average hold time of less than 3 weeks.


Our medium risk equities algorithm; Uses automated technical analysis on an equities index balanced with a lower risk government bonds portfolio that automatically re-balances and reinvests dividends.


Our leveraged index trading algorithm that is available to accredited investors. This algorithm seeks to out-perform an underlying index while staying within a volatility threshold. It uses a combination of strategies that trade both long and short positions. This is short term trading model for long-term investors that also want to maintain liquidity.


Do you have free cash and want to capitalize on the current high interest rate environment without the volatility of equities? Our YieldSmart algorithm invests in assets that track bonds, and automatically reinvests your dividends for compounding growth. With YieldSmart, you maintain liquidity and do not have to wait for the bonds to mature to move your funds.

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Looking for our white paper analyzing mean reversion and momentum? Send us your email here to get exclusive access to our FREE Investment Analysis Whitepaper.

It's packed with insights and analysis on quant investment strategies that could reshape your financial journey!

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Register for a free account HERE for exclusive members-only access to all of Quantca's in-depth articles and video analyses.

Looking for our white paper analyzing mean reversion and momentum? Send us your email here to get exclusive access to our FREE Investment Analysis Whitepaper.

It's packed with insights and analysis on quant investment strategies that could reshape your financial journey!

Your whitepaper is on the way! Register for a free account HERE for access to exclusive members-only videos and analyses.